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Why it is normal to wear adult nappies

Urinary incontinence, commonly known as bladder weakness, can feel like an isolating, embarrassing condition. However, we at iD want to encourage everyone to live life in full view. Bladder issues are thought to affect millions of people worldwide1, so we want to provide you with some tips of how to manage your urinary incontinence with confidence, especially when wearing adult nappies

Bladder issues in men 

Whilst this condition also affects men, it is very rarely talked about. Despite being a fairly common, easily treated condition, men in particular find it difficult to talk about, as it can make them feel infantilised or like an elderly invalid.2 However, managing your condition, especially through adult nappies for men, can be a completely normal and invisible part of your life. 

There are some more serious conditions that may be linked to bladder incontinence in men, such as being overweight, prostate problems and obstructions in the urinary tract. iD would like to recommend that if you have any concerns about your condition, you should contact a medical professional. However, it can be linked to everyday factors, such as a chronic cough from smoking, being overweight or having weak pelvic floor muscles. This is why it should no longer be a taboo; it is a completely normal condition.  

Bladder issues in women 

Bladder weakness symptoms tend to affect more women from a wider age range than men, due to health events that are specific to women, such as pregnancy, childbirth and the menopause. Whilst urinary incontinence in women is more widely recognised, 82% of the women we surveyed still said that they found it an embarrassing condition to talk about.3 In fact, studies have shown that, while it is likely to decrease their quality of life more than diabetes4, women are less likely to talk to their partners about urinary incontinence than other conditions, such as sexuality and IBS5. It is for these reasons that we would like to address the ways you can manage bladder weakness and encourage you to wear women’s adult nappies with confidence.  

What is my ideal solution?

Tips for managing urinary incontinence 

There are three main routes for managing urinary incontinence. Firstly, iD would like to recommend that you speak to a doctor to get a formal diagnosis and rule out any other conditions. Once you have spoken to a doctor, there are two main options for managing this condition: lifestyle factors and continence products. 

Lifestyle factors for managing bladder weakness 

The most important thing to do to help lessen your bladder weakness symptoms is to live a healthy lifestyle; eat a balanced diet, keep hydrated and exercise.  

Certain foods and drinks may contribute to your symptoms, such as spicy foods and caffeine, so avoid these.6 Other foods can actually help to alleviate your symptoms, such as coconut, watermelon, asparagus and protein.7 For more information, we also have an article on creating a diet to handle bladder weakness

Exercise is also an important part of a bladder weakness management plan. Avoiding high-impact exercise will lessen the worry of unexpected leaks, while some forms of exercise, such as Pilates and pelvic floor exercises can actually help to strengthen the muscles around your bladder.8 If you want to learn more, check out our article on managing leaks during exercise

Finding the right continence product to suit you 

Another great solution for managing symptoms of urinary incontinence is to use a continence product. At iD, we offer a wide range of discreet, dermatologically tested products to suit your needs. Thanks to the discretion of our products, you don’t need to worry about them being noticeable. 

Wearing an adult nappy may feel a little strange to begin with, as they are usually associated with infants and young children, but they can provide assurance that your leaks are being controlled. Our range of men’s adult nappies are comfortable, designed with the male body in mind and can be worn underneath your regular clothes without being noticed. You can shop the full range of men’s adult pants here. In addition, we have a range of unnoticeable, comfy adult nappies for women that can be worn under any outfit. Again, these are designed with the female anatomy in mind to provide you with confidence and comfort. You can shop the full range of women’s adult pants here

For over 40 years, Ontex has worked to provide you with the best resources for managing your bladder weakness symptoms. Go to our men’s and women’s health portal for more advice on managing your condition and learn more about our products here.   

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1 “Urinary Incontinence”, NHS, 7 November 2019, Source: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/urinary-incontinence/ 

2 “The Emotional Toll of Urinary Incontinence in Men”, R. Morgan Griffin, n.d., Source: https://www.webmd.com/men/features/emotional-toll-urinary-incontinence-in-men#1

3 Research conducted by Ontex Healthcare UK in October 2018 with 1000 women aged 35 – 75 

4 “6 Facts About Overactive Bladder”, n.d., Source: https://www.rush.edu/health-wellness/discover-health/6-overactive-bladder-facts

5 Research conducted by Ontex Healthcare UK in October 2018 with 1000 women aged 35 – 75 

6 “How to Create a Diet for Your Overactive Bladder”, Corey Whelan, 28 August 2018, Source: https://www.healthline.com/health/overactive-bladder/overactive-bladder-diet

7 Ibid. 

8 “10 ways to stop leaks”, NHS, 7 November 2019, Source: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/urinary-incontinence/10-ways-to-stop-leaks/

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